Before you dive off the highest diving board at the local pool, do you get that anxious, giddy, adrenaline fuelled feeling in your stomach? And when you finally get the guts to jump, you just have to do it again and again?
That was me. I jumped into the abyss of the abundance of M.A.C eyeshadows and only came up for air enough time to dive in again. It was pure madness laced with the ecstasy of gold.
It would not be true if I was to say that I didn't have moments of clarity. Yes, I was obsessed. Yes, I needed my next fix almost as soon as I had my last, but that doesn't mean that I didn't do my research. If there is one thing I love the most, it is researching a product. Makes the buy all that more sweet.
My go to girl for eyeshadow hints for newbies was, and still is, Sarah Caron: . Her blog contains great guides on shades for your eye colour and complexion, as well as guides to the eyeshadows and finishes themselves.
The second time I ventured into the M.A.C Pro Store I was no longer afraid. I had taken a bite of the apple proffered by the serpents whilst basking in every last lick of their serpentine fire and discovered that this was my Eden. Once I had lifted the thin veil shielding me from a world in which I felt I didn't belong, it was as if I had opened my eyes for the first time after years of wearing a blindfold. Everything looked shinier, colours seemed brighter and people appeared happier. I had been seduced into their world and was loving every bit of it. It was at this time that I knew there was no turning back. I had gone way past the fear I had first felt upon taking a bite of the forbidden fruit and was almost instantaneously transformed into fully fledged eyeshadow junkie.
From the moment I popped that first eyeshadow into my custom palette, I heard it. The Siren's Call. I could not ignore it, for it only got louder the more research I did into my drug of choice. I obsessively compiled my list of new shades to collect, knowing that there was little time before I would need to take another hit, jump off the diving board and take another bite from the apple. Still, the Siren called until I could ignore it no longer. List in hand, I followed the Call up Chapel Street until it was completely deafening. My heart pumped faster as I neared the store in anticipation of finally getting to the top of the highest diving board and taking a free fall into my Eden. As I opened the door I felt my body slice through the crystalline surface of the water, almost reaching the depths of the pool. Just as I felt that I had no more breath to sustain life, my head broke through the mirrored wall and I gulped in air greedily, taking in my surroundings. It was at this point that the sound of the Siren had died down to just a murmur in my ear, and I knew that she had fulfilled her job in delivering me to her home.
Compared to the anticipation of what was to come, the act itself was almost an anticlimactic. Almost. I knew what I wanted and didn't need to be persuaded to go through with it. It wasn't until I was confronted with the array of other colours, each as beautiful and entrancing as the next, that I felt the seeds of doubt begin to take up residence in my stomach. Was I doing the right thing, or was I just hypnotised? Was it the Apple? The Siren? Was this really what I wanted? It didn't take me that long to figure out that yes, this is what I wanted. I had done my research well and there were no mistakes. With baited breath I hand picked the new jewels to add to my collection. As I paid for my purchases and left the store, I felt a sense of release and was left buzzing, eager to get home and add the pristine new shades to my palette.
Club (satin) : Brown with green contrast. Best when layered on a dark colour. |
Contrast (velvet) : deep dark blue. Watch out for blending. |
Patina (frost) : an awesome blend of green, pink, gold. I love it |
Satin Taupe (frost) : Brown laced with grey which can be used as a blending colour or on its own. |
Copperplate (matte2) : Rich and deep grey/brown. Blends like a dream |
You would think that the beast inside me would feel full and satiated, but no. It was not enough. Not nearly. I needed to feel it again, the adrenaline, the fire. The Siren was calling and she was louder than ever. Within weeks of my last hit I was at it again. Counting my spare cash, anticipating the next holiday when presents were due. My mum offered to buy me some eyeshadows for my Christmas present. I was alone. My family was overseas until I was able to finish work and join them. It was when I was in the comfort of my old family home with my parents that I did it. The unthinkable. I took advantage of my gift at conjuring especially hard moments of my past and made a bet with my Dad on an event that occurred 7 years earlier. The silly man couldn't win, not against me, but he was adamant. So I suggested that we make a bet. He wins I buy him $30 worth of Violet Crumbles (if you don't know what a Violet Crumble is, look it up, it's an awesome confection). I win, an extra eyeshadow in my Christmas stocking. We shook hands and I sat back like the cat that got the cream and listened to the Siren's Call, knowing full well that I would answer.
It wasn't until I met up with my family abroad and Christmas was over that I let myself succumb to my peaking hunger. To my great astonishment, I found that M.A.C products were cheaper online where I was staying with my husband's family. That was it. I was done for. I re-researched all my products and, after a few more days of filtering and re-shuffling the items on my list, I relented and made the order to fill the final spaces in my palette, with a few extra pieces to add to my collection and gift to my in-laws. It was only a day before we were leaving to board a 24 hour flight that my package arrived. After inspecting them closely I re-packaged them carefully for the long voyage home.
Tempting (lustre) : a sparkly gold hue, one of the few lustre shades worth purchasing (so I have read) |
Sumptuous Olive (veluxe pearl) : between a gold and a green, great for blending |
Black Tied (velvet) : black with a bit of sparkle |
Brun (satin) : rich chocolate, a delight to work with, especially Wedge. |
Vanilla (velvet) : cream blending colour that that you can't go past. |
It was upon our return from overseas, jetlagged and feeling slightly ill from not sleeping for 50 hours that I remembered "the Bet". I had spoken to my mother whilst in France, who confirmed that I was right re. said date, the subject of our Bet. I tried to convince my mother that my father need not honour the Bet. I knew I was going to win so it was like taking candy from a baby. Once we were home my mother pressed an elegantly wrapped package into my hands, which slightly shook when undoing the ribbon. Inside lay three of my latest coveted eyeshadows. My father was never one from backing down on a bet (many a bottle of Glenfiddich won and lost over years with his colleagues is testament to that) and there it lay in black tissue paper. It was done. I listened for the Siren but she was silent. I didn't feel the tell-tale pull. Maybe she felt as guilty as I did. And in that moment I knew I was done.
For now....
Steamy (frost) : teal with a hint of gold |
Plumage (matte): great with steamy. A deep teal blue/green. This photo does no justice |
Print (satin) : great with Copperplate, Satin Taupe and black hues, I found this courtesy of a M.A.C consultant who was wearing it with Satin Taupe
Whilst AC/DC is coincidentally playing "Highway to Hell" on my iTunes, I can say that in this ends my tale of simple curiosity followed by seduction, obsession and enlightenment. I hope you have enjoyed the ride as much as I have. The Siren is still calling, but she has gone to Voicemail. For the moment.
Next time : Eyeshadow Palette Reveal!
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