Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Getting Started with M.A.C (from crap to M.A.C)

So you  have seen the light and want to start using M.A.C? Take a journey with me through mistakes of makeup past whilst I went from Crap to M.A.C!

Feel free to make fun of my apparently very Aussie accent, my husband has. Quite personally, I thought I was channeling Kath and Kim...

Please leave me any comments or questions, and hit subscribe to catch my next video blog which should please all those who like new ways to care for their feet... or have an odd fascination for the somewhat gross. I'll leave it at that I think.



  1. Hi, just put a comment on Facebook but realise I should have put it here. Really liked it and may pay a trip to a M.A.C. store as I'd love to improve my skills in applying makeup and have no real idea how to do it!! Your pointers are handy indeed.

  2. Thank you! I'm going to put a video tutorial up soon on buildable makeup and some little techniques I have learned here and there.
